Lionel 313 Bascule Bridge

Help please;
I am trying to find a schematic of the 313 linkage from the base to the bridge. The Greenberg book does nor contain any exploded view of this bridge. I am also looking for parts once I identify what is missing. Can anyone out there halp me?
Thanks in advance.


Here’s a parts list, but it doesn’t include a drawing:

If you call the folks at Olsen’s they might be able to identify the parts you need.

Good luck!


I recall that the library at the Toy Train Museum in Strasburg, Pa., offers no. 313 wiring-diagram packets for a few dollars. I think you need to be a TCA member, however, to use this service. The TCA website is, and on the left side of the page is a button to click for the museum, then look for information about the library.

There is also information about the original 313 in an issue of CTT from the early 1990s, but I don’t recall which specific issue and I am at home writing this, so I don’t have the indexes with me to look it up. The author was Ray Plummer.

Neil Besougloff

From my notes 313 bridge article was in CTT jan. 1995 page 134 and 0-Gauge railroading mag. run 139 page 29.
All my mag.s are in storage so I can’t tell you what was in the articles
Joe J

The January 1995 CTT article has a wiring diagram an maintenance/repair information.

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains

I cannot find that issue of CTT in this area. Are back issues available? If so, Please let me know what I need to do to get one and how much it would be. If not could that article be copied and sent to me? I am more that willing to pay for any expenses incurred.

Hi Dave. I´m living at Brasil and I have the same problem you have.
I can´t find the wiring diagram lionel 313 bascule bridge.
i wondering if you get the diagram and if you could send a email for me.
My email is
Thanks a lot.