Lionel 4-4-0 General Locomotives

Hey Guys,

In addition to the Space and Military items I am looking for, I have and extreamly strong affection for Lionel wood burning General Locomotives. Here are some I am looking for.

I do not like any Postwar products made after 1960, however, I do make exeptions every now and then, if I see something I like.

  1. 1959-1962 1872 or 1862 W&A 4-4-0 General Set
  2. 1960 Sear “Halloween” General Set
  3. 1977-1978 MPC General Set

I will not buy any modern versions of the General that have DC motors.
I have a Lionel “Great Train Robbery” set from 2003 that I loaned to my cousin in Myrtle Beach.

Also, I found an original Lionel Sears 1960 Halloween General in Mint consition, with all the track, the pair of switches, the frontier house, the locomotive, the horse flatcar missing the fences and horses, a baggage car, and the beutiful Blue Passenger car, all with their original boxes. It is on e-bay. I’ll ask my dad if he’ll buy it for me, and I’ll pay him back over time.

Wish me Luck.

Oh, please tell me the contents of each set, so when I buy them I’ll have all the peices, as I will put the set togeather piece by piece, unless I can find a cheap set with all the parts.

You might want to take a look at one of the MPC Generals. I don’t know the number right off the top of my head, but I can dig back into my closet and find out for you if you’re interested.

The engine plus three or four cars will usually sell for under $500, if not for under $400, in mint condition(never taken out of the box, never run outside of the factory).

It sounds to me as though the one on Ebay isn’t really mint. If it’s missing parts, it most definitely is not mint. If it’s advertised as being mint, the seller either doesn’t know what (s)he’s talking about, or is misrepresenting the item. You might want to post a link and let some of the fine forum folks offer their opinion.

By the way, my spring break’s in a couple of weeks, and we’re going to Pigeon Forge. I’d like to visit an area train shop, if there is one, and would appreciate if your help. If you know of one, would you mind to tell me where it is, what it’s called, and how to get there? I have been to the Christmas Place, which is an authorized Lionel and MTH dealer, but was not too impressed.

Hmm…the only Halloween General set I saw on eBay had a minimum bid of about $6500. You’d need a lotta luck for that one![:D]

Anyway, here’s a list of the cataloged sets and rolling stock.

1612 (1959-60): 1862, 1862T, 1866, 1865
1644 (1961): 1862, 1862T, 3370, 1866, 1865
1800 (1959-60): 1862, 1862T, 1877, 1866, 1865, General story book
12502 (1962): 1862, 1862T, 3376, 1877, 1866, 1865

2528WS (1959-61): 1872, 1872T, 1877, 1876, 1875W
13036 (1962): 1872, 1872T, 6445, 3370, 1876, 1875W

The 8701 (1977-79) Western Atlantic didn’t really come in a set, but it was pictured in the 78-79 catalogs with the following cars:
9551 W&ARR baggage car
9553 W&ARR flat car (shown with fence and (6?) horses)
9552 W&ARR passenger car


There is a good shop in Seveirvile, which begins right after the Pigeon Forge city limits.
Mainly, I can say I live in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Sevierville, because, Gatlinburg comes first, then after a winding 10 mile drive throught the mountains, comes Pigeon Forge, the Seveirville.

The Shop in Seveirville is called Smokey Mountain Model Trains. It has a large stock of Lioenl, MTH, LGB, and exetera. This is a larghe store. Its at 1933 Pittman Center R.D.

There are a few more smaller ones, as it says it is the largest of those in the Seveirville area. The Christmas Place has gotten a new stock of Lionel and MTH, you might want to drop by there to.

There might be 1 or 2 in Gatlinburg, as I have heard of them, but you’ll have to search long and wide. There is a Toy Shop in the German style section behind a famous breakfast house, but I forgot the breakfast House’s name.

I live close enoguh to the Christmas Place and Smokey mountain model trains, that if I am careful, I am allowed to ride my bike down the Mountain (I live 15 feet below the top) that I live on down into the valley, andto the shops.

Have fun on your vacation.

Thanks. I’ll be sure to visit Smoky Mountain Trains. I might also just have to stop back by Christmas Place, as it’s generally pretty convenient for one staying in Pigeon Forge. Usually, when we go, we only pass through Sevierville when coming and going to get back on the interstate, and stay in Pigeon Forge the rest of the time.

I thought your name was Bradley. Are you really Bert and Mary Poppins?