Lionel #536417 'New York Zone' P.R.R. Porthole Cab. What Type Couplers:

Hi, Everyone,

I have another, pain in the neck, question: The Porthole caboose was made from 1953 to 1957 with some variations.

My question pertains ‘only’ to the P.R.R. 'New York Zone cab, aside of the bar end trucks my unit, second hand, came with only one contact roller and having a tab on the coupler, the other truck was plain, is this correct for my cab?

The phots show either two, or one coupler, with and without a tabs?

Please, advise, so I may know what I have.

Thank You,


According to

The 6417 caboose is a nice caboose with good detail. Standard features include: painted bodies and lettering, illumination, bar-end trucks with a single operating coupler, plastic end railing detail on each end plus plastic brakewheels and roof ladders.

They further state it was made from 53 through 57; I think tab couplers were later.

Mine is currently packed away, but I thought it had dual operating couplers

Mine is a new york zone. It has two operating couplers with no tabs. I have no idea how original it is, but it shows no obvious signs of tampering.

J White

Thanks To Both Of You,

I believe, from various info.which I’ve gathered, the P.R.R. ’ New York Zone’ N5C cab. was made from 1953, to 1957, probably my piece could’ve been made in either 56, or 57, and in these last two years Lionel, instesd of using their old parts and because this was still a premier item, put a new,first used in 1955, tab type coupler on my unit in either '56, or '57, as per some info. on the web., but only one to save cost.

Earlier cabooses may of had two couplers, as this was a premier item put out by Lionel for prototypical purposes and to go with their two other prototypical, premier items the P.R.R. #671/681-‘O’ gauge and 2020-‘027’ gauge engines and early 1948 twelve wheeled tender with it’s three back-up lights.

Unless, I’m wrong in what I believe and someone changed the coupler, from the original, is the reason why I want to be sure and have the correct item(s) as original and by asking for help will insure me of having the proper info. and article(s).

Thank You,


Hello, mine has two operating couplers, no tabs, one pick-up. Mine is 1953 from set 2203WS