In the current issue there is an article about Rare Lionel 6464 boxcars.
There are several prototype boxcars. They are for the railroads of Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic, Louisville & Nashville, and Norfolk Southern. These have very distinct and visually appealing graphics. In real life the box cars with these roadnames would appear on any railroad across the country.
The Top Lionel management of the 1950’s and 1960’s though ended up thinking that only railroads on the coast could possibly interest O gauge train buyers. That is a strangely disconnected bias against roadnames, even though at the time the boxcars with those road names could be seen in trains all over the nation. It sounds like the Top level management of Lionel at the time was not getting out of their offices to see what was happening on the real railroads.
The appealing graphics of the roads like DSS&A, L&N, NS boxcars would have been a welcome contrast to the Southern Pacific and New York Central boxcars available at the time. It looks like they tried to play it too safe and stumbled over their own feet to fall flat on their faces with decreasing sales of the same old thing.