Good morning all on this wonderful Rocky Mountain Sunday!
I am looking for some help regarding the whistle operation on a my 6466W Tender.
The contacts have been rewired, the armature and brushes cleaned, the whistle box inspected. All the wires are clean unbroken and soldered properly.
However when I use the whistle controller on my Lionel 1032 transformer, the whistle begins to work but the relay WSR-1 contact engages and then drops off. It appears that the magnet does not continue to engage.
Any ideas? I have attached a pictures of the unit.
Stevereeno, you’re in the wrong forum – I think you want the Classic TOY Trains forum.
I’d answer the question if I knew… but I really, really don’t know this Lionel tech stuff. Is WRS-1 intended to be a holding relay? It’s possible that if it gets too much ‘energization’ at closing, it will make contact so fast (and therefore hard) that it bounces back out of contact. Will it stay closed if you actuate the whistle and use a little GHA to close the contacts?
thanks for getting back. Having trouble finding that site to ask about Lionel problems. Do you have the link to as questions on Classic Toy Trains? thanks
It looks like your question has been asked there already, but just in case the forum can be found here:
Sorry, internal links are often impossible to activate. You can also go to the top of the page, find ‘Home’ on the left, and scroll down to the Toy Train Operating and Collecting link.
Can someone tell me if the the copper oxide rectifier for a 1032 transformer when installing has the copper side facing out or the oxide side facing out?
If you took the copper oxide rectifier apart, you likely have ruined it. It is very easy to damage the oxide layer. If you turn the copper disc when it is assembled, you have ruined it.
If you are trying to make the whistle work without a load on the track like a lighted passenger car or a loco with the e unit in neutral, you will often get the problem you describe.