Does anyone know if you can print your own custom pictured belts for the Lionel Aquarium Cars? I’d like to do something other than fish.
mermaids would really be cool
I have a few of those cars and the belts are in bad shape. I haven’t actually done it yet, but I think I will print or copy the desired images onto transparency film for inkjet printers, such as this-
Then I will cut to size and tape or cement the ends together. I am going to try film cement first, and keep tape as a backup plan.
Don’t know if it will work, but I will find out!
Are yours the cogged or smooth belts? It appears that using a 8.5" 11" sheet, you will need to make two joints. Let me know how things work out.
That’s the right price, but, how would you print on it?
Design a carrier sheet for your printer.