Lionel Barstools...none to be found.

Now that I have the funds for one, there are none to be found anywhere online. I cannot understand why Lionel refuses to release these again. I know for a fact they were good sellers…Eveyone who has a train room would want at least two of these sweet looking barstools.

If anybody has a lead on anybody with remaining stock, please post.



I believe you are correct… I have 2 in my train room and am very glad I purchased them, but this was when they first were advertised many years ago.

Try this link and scrool down to barstools.

Hope this helps.


There is talk that they may do them again. But you know how easy it is to talk.


How durable are these here barstools that Lionel sold?


To my recollection, Lionel did not sell them. A company in Indiana was selling them in various Lionel versions - MPC white/red/ blue, Lionel orange (LTI), Lionel 100 year emblem, etc. They also offered other stools of various trademarks. I ordered them through my train dealer to get his discount and less freight cost. They are very well made, durable and the seat does spin. No rips yet in the covering. I bought my son a stool with the Ford Mustang GT re-issue (2005) emblem but I do not know if this was the same company that offered the Lionel versions.

One company in Indiana that used to sell them was Carriage House Concepts in Merrillville. He closed shop about 5 years ago, and sold the property. Whether he reopened elsewhere or not, I do not know. It was a good shop (to me) in that he had a variety of items, and most were priced good. He also had a really nice layout in a back room of the shop .

J White

The actual company that made them was Richardson seating. They have a website that I contacted at and they told me that no more are being made, and that the only way more could be done is by the License holder…IE: Lionel had to contract with them.

I hope the rumors are true…I`d love to get one of those Centennial white ones…

Thank You All,

Now that I have the info., all of you gave, I will try to obtain at least one of the orange, white and blue Lionel stools.



Please post if you have any luck finding them.

I keep coming up with nothing.



To date, no luck.
I’ve seen a stool all made of wood with a Lionel, (Orange, White and Blue), logo on the seat, years ago I believe in Trainland, original owners, but I didn’t inquire about it.
Probably, back then they were a dime a dozen, or only for Lionel Dealers.

I’m still looking for wood and metal types.




Yup, I`m looking for a metal one as well.

I`m keeping my fingers crosssed.

There is one listed for $105.00 at:
Jerry Quinn Classic Trains & Toys
1329 Blackhorse Hill Rd.
Coatesville, PA 19320
Phone: (610) 383-1931

Unfortunately, I know nothing about this dealer.

…Oops. Sorry, I see that someone already mentioned this dealer.

laz 57 & Pops,

Thank you both for the information.

Craig, it’s all yours, as I’m unable to buy one now.

Good Luck,


the new lionel store in rockefeller center has them 212-782-3388 $129 plus tax, i think


Thank you, for the info. on the Lionel stool at the Rockefeller Center store.


I’m amazed no one suggested checking with Davy Crockett, so I tried – but it didn’t help. [It’s a Southern joke, folks.]

On a more serious note, there is a lengthy and ongoing thread on this subject over on the OGR forum. It has so many responses that there may well be additional useful information there.



He`s all out of them, I already contacted him.

I`ll try this Lionel store…thanks!!!

BFSkinner, can you post a link to that thread over at the OGR forum?

There is a lot of leg-pulling and sarcasm on that forum, but there are several "bar stool " threads. Well down one list is an apparently serious post by “Ken in Nebraska.” No guarantees.

On the OGR forum do a regular search under “bar stool” or an advance search by author. One thread was begun by “papa3rail” and although much of his searching has been futile you might at least learn where not to look.

Some days I seem to be able to provide “clickable” links. Today is not one of them. Sorry.


Ordered one from the Lionel store in NY last week, they said it would be shipped within 2 weeks from the warehouse.