Lionel Camelback

I have noticed with the Lionel camelback (command version) that I get cab chatter when I select the smoke unit on/off buttons. (AUX1/8 and AUX1/9). It this is normal, I like the feature as now I know when the engine gets the command. In all other TMCC engines I always get for the flicker in the headlight to make sure the command was received. Anyone else notice this on the camelback?

Hi Tim,

Definently a plus for TMCC. They really should list that option in the book. When I first encountered it, I thought the railsounds were broken and I would have to send the engine back but I’m glad that is seems to be a feature instead.


This is my first TMCC that did this. My K4 Torpedo and my PA E6 do not. But I do like the feature. Thanks for the info.


Hi Joe,

I thought all of mine did. I have an E6. I will try it tonight.

Tim P.

Hi Joe,

I tried my E-6 and my new Mikado. They don’t have the feature. My new Monon C-420 does.

Tim P.

Joe, I have the Class A and it does the same thing it triggers the chatter to let you know that the command has been recieved ,not a bad idea if i can say so.


All my TMCC locomotives function this way. I believe the chatter sounds are there to alert you that the locomotive has recieved its command. With the smoke boost effect, the actual increase in smoke realy increases after the button has been held down for about 5 seconds. The cab chatter lets me now how long I have been sending the signal.

Tim P.

I don’t think Lionel has done as much advertising relative to the particular features of the various versions of Railsounds as they could. I don’t believe they indicate which version is supplied with a new engine. Most manuals are silent as to the version included.

With the technology and features changing so fast, Lionel may just be keeping their options open as a locomotive is developed. If a new feature is added to Railsounds and there is time to incorporate it into the locomotive’s design, they probable do it. If it would impact the scheduled delivery date, they may not.

Tim P.

Wow, this is one of the oldest threads in the book! I wonder if any of the users participating are still around?..

Looks like the last month either visited the site was June 2006…

The only one I’ve come across is the first issue Shay that’s on the demo layout at work.