Lionel CTC lockon wire fasteners

What is the name of the spring clips used to hold on the wires of a Lionel CTC lockon? Does anyone know where I can find & buy clips like those?

What kind of track are you trying to hook up to? If it is tubular you can use Gargraves track power clips and you only use what you need as they come in a pack of three. I don’t use the quick disconnect or automotive style connectors as these widen the underside of my track too much and have even caused a derailment due to bent track.

Lee F.


I believe they are called “Fahnestock clips.”

You can “Google” them or try:

If you need Lockons let me know, I still have a few and don’t need them… would be happy to send them out.

This has nothing to do with the CTC lockon itself or connecting to track. I just need that type of fastener.

Thanks for the offer. I’m actually seeking the wire fasteners themselves, not the lockon.

Fahnestock Clips are what you want.


If you don’t need the exact size used on the CTC, some parts dealers have clips for the 395 floodlight tower – part # 395-30. They’re a little bigger than those on the CTC.

I don’t know the source, maybe Walthers, but at the store we have some stips of 8 or so that are connected to a common “bar” for power distribution.

I guess I could cut them apart. How do I contact “the store”?

thankey asked,

I guess I could cut them apart. How do I contact “the store”?

Why would you want to go to that trouble? Are not the answers to both of your original questions in my post above with its clickable link to Acme?

(Evidently, only Wiley Coyote found it useful…)

I wouldn’t cut them apart, they’re meant to be used as a terminal strip. They have 2 sets of 4 bussed together on a board. I agree that they’d be more trouble to cut apart than its worth.