Lionel Customer Service open house 8/16/11

Here’s your chance to take a look behind the scenes at Lionel LLC’s Canfield, Ohio, Customer Service Center.

Press Release

Lionel Customer Service, located at 6655 Seville Drive in Canfield, OH, will be hosting an open house on Tuesday August 16th, 2011 for customers, dealers and service stations. Open house hours are 9am to 4pm EDT.

Visitors will the opportunity to see all the improvements we have made in Customer Service, as well as participate in the following activities:

· Tours of our facility

· How part lists are created

· Lionel LEGACY Control System operation

· Periodic maintenance of locomotives

· Much, much more!

Light snacks and beverages will be provided free of charge. The day will also include a raffle for a new Lionel Ready-To-Run set (must be present to enter, not to win). One ticket per person please! (Set will be on display day of the open house. No purchase necessary!)

Those who attend the Open House will be able to take advantage of a 50% discount on part purchases on August 16th (must be present to receive 50% discount). For those customers who are unable to attend the Open House, we are offering a 35% discount on all on-line part orders at on August 1

Thanks for invite Carl. Even though I’m in CA I would have gone if I’d known earlier as the 16th is my Birthday. Maybe still time to pull something wild off!