My Lionel GG1 Pennsylvania RR locomotive (early 1950’s vintage) momentarily loses power when rolling over my remote control track (also early 1950’s vintage). What might be causing this? (My layout consists entirely of O-gauge tubular track.)
Would I be better off using FasTrack remote control track? If so, can someone suggest the specific item I should purchase?
(Have been away from the hobby for a long time and am trying to reclaim my boyhood.)
I would suspect that your power loss has something to do with the center rail(s). It may be lifting your roller or have a broken connection. It could have an internal corododed connector or just be dirty or oxidized.
I had one of those GG1 locomotives when I was a kid. I bought one in HO for my current layout, even though I don’t model the Pennsylvania. I just wanted a GG1 again.
As I recall, the center rail power comes through two rollers on the underside. I also suspect that one of these rollers is no longer connected, and there is a lift or gap on the remote control track.
You said remote control track? I haven’t dealt with Lionel in fifty years or more. What is your power source? I had a big ZW transformer. Have you a lighted car you can push around the track and test for power loss? It could be something simple like a pin on one of the tracks not making good contact or one of the turnouts with a broken jumper or even the point rails dirty and losing contact. Is this the only locomotive you have?