Lionel Girls Train Set

I am new to this forum, and hope this question isn’t too simple, but I am considering getting the girls set for my collection, and do not know what the difference is between the 31700 set issued in 2001 and the more recent sete numbered 38340. I understand that there is a difference in engines, one has a no maintenance can type motor, the other a pullmor motor. Is there a significant difference, and should I favor one set over the other? Thanks for any helpl you can give me.


CHOOCHOODOC - Welcome to! [C):-)]

Choochoodoc, from what I have seen on E-Bay the 2001 set sells closer to the original price or a few bucks more. The recent Lionel set struggles to get to the original price. The modern girls sets has had way to many versions from Lionel, MTH, K-Line, and Williams to be much of a collector item.

Williams Trains also has a girls set in current production. Unlikely that will have collector value for a long time if ever, but is reasonably priced now. Just Google Williams Trains.

[#welcome] Choochoodoc

In the end it is up to you and what kind of trains you are running. If you have older trains and transformers then the less electronics the better off you are. If you have new stuff then get the newer one. For me it would always be a pullmor with less electronics to go with my older colection.

I don’t see any of those girls sets gaining a lot of value as stated by the others above.


There have been three Lionel re-releases, each in its own way different from the original.

The first re-release came during the reign of Richard Kughn and Lionel Trains Inc. Strong points: the set had an original-style set box, PullMor motor in the engine, and the set included an ivory transformer with gold handle.

Weak points: different numbering system, no rivet detail on the boxcars, and no horizontal rivet row on the N5c Cabin Car.

Set number 2 came out as part of the Post War Celebration Series in 2001. Strong points: rivet detail on the cars, and proper car numbers. Weak points: no PullMor, no transformer.

Set 3: part of the Post War Conventional Classics. Rivet detail and N5c Cabin Car rivet row is back. But… no transformer. I have not inspected this set, so I can’t speak to the motor.

Hope this helps a little.

Jon [8D]

One of the K Line versions came with buildings with sound, a tender with sound, white transformer and I believe track with white ties

Set number 2 came out as part of the Post War Celebration Series in 2001.

I had purchased the 31700 Girls Train Set. If I remember correctly it was advertised having a Pulmor motor but was manufactured with the can motor. Lionel sent to all purchasers a Girls Pastel Blue stock car for their boo boo. I am pretty sure that is how I ended up with the Girls Stock car. The following year Lionel released the 31701 Boys Train Set but did not make the same advertising mistake. Running both sets on the layout makes for an interesting combination.

I have the first remake set, bought it years back before the other reissues were out. My daughter runs it most holiday seasons. I haven’t bought any add on cars.

I’ve also seen the Kline version, a very nice set in it’s own way.

The two recent Williams sets, freight and passenger, are both very nice looking, and at a good price. The pink GG1 is certainly tempting.

As far as collector value, other than maybe the first remake the others will be at street level prices. Too many reissues for them to be a collectors item.

This was the first K-Line re-creation of the Girls Train, it was marketed with the now defunct Toy Train Historical Foundation, as the “Little Girls Train”. The set came with a white version of the regular K-Line starter set transformer, Super K track with white ties, several building kits in pastel colors, and 3 lamp posts in baby blue.

There were also some interesting “add ons” to this set, starting with a pink MP-15 that went out with the first sets, as the steam engine, K-Line’s first update of the Marx 333 engine was still in development.

There was also a peabody hopper car in yellow, pink Santa Fe caboose, and a robins egg blue Santa Fe tanker car.

Jon, Lionel says set 3 loco has a Pullmor motor, Magnetraction and traction tires, electronic reverse unit, whistle and bell.