Lionel "O" Gauge 90' Crossing Diamond, Not 027


On a Lionel crossing diamond, in slow speed, my Weaver RS11 will stop and blow the Railsounds horn. When the front truck hits the center, it stops like it got stuck. (SLOW Speed) Faster speed allows it through with no problems. I’ve powered the diamond and adjoining tracks and other engines are fine except a Lionel Railsounds GP9 does the same thing at slow speeds. Is it a Railsounds coincidence thing? A slow moving lighted caboose goes through and has NO flickering. Do the big heavy engines just need a little more boost? Maybe Dremmel the diamond center a little deeper so the wheels won’t stick stuck? Any thoughts or experience?


Make sure your center rails (and outers too for that matter) are clean on either side of the intersection, and make sure your electrical collectors under the RS11 is clean too. The rollers can pick up grime and if one of the two goes open then you won’t notice on straight sections where the other roller still makes contact but when crossing switches or your intersection usually both rollers are needed to bridge the gaps. All the contact runs still intact on the back of the intersection? or have some been cut for blocking track? 'bout all I can think of right now.


Also check that your rollers on each truck are operating properly and that they have good spring pressure and that no wires have come loose internally. It is common for RS to experiance a whistle or horn “toot” when there is a momentary loss of power or excessive arcing on the pickup rollers.