I have a badly damaged and painted over Postwar Lionel Diesel engine and dummy car which I’d like to restore.
Is there such a thing as a “reproduction shell” that someone can lead me to? Havent been able to find anything online except for a couple of E-bay posts which say the word “repro” in them. Here’s a link to one of them to give you a better idea of what I’m hoping to find.
Well “repro” means “reproduction”, so that’s apparently what you’re looking for. You might have to hunt around on e-bay and flea markets to find an undecorated one, if that’s what you’re looking for. You might find an original one, where someone bought a diesel because they needed a chassis/motor and didn’t need the body so are selling it.
I was assuming that someone manufactures a replacement shell undecorated or not. Pretty much I’d settle for either though I dont have the skillset to paint one up. Just want to get what I have in decent shape. Thanks
Try e-bay using F3 shell. I picked up a couple a while ago. One in bad paint shape to repaint. Another a beautiful Burlington repaint/new decals. Like new, if anyone had ever made one like it. i just swap with my original Sanat Fe shell for a different look ocasionally. Prices will vary.