Lionel issued a “scale” READING T-1 about 1988. I think this engine was equipped with magna-traction and pulls very well for an engine without traction tires.
Can anyone tell me what type of motor was used for the engine?
I have this and the Chessie T1. Very nice engines. Someone correct me if I am wrong but it has a horizontal Pullmore I think similar to the 736. Both units have RS1 I coverted the Reading to RS2.
Dale Hz
Hello PRR! The T-1 Has a Pullmore which is the Large Stack Version they have used on the new releases of the 700E & 773. (Large Stack refers to # of Laminations that the Field & Armature are made of) The T-1s had no magne-traction either. Take Care.
I have a Reading T-1 from 1988. It has nickle rims and no magnetraction or traction tires. It is not a very good puller. Otherwise it is a good looking engine. You can get them for around $500.
BTW, the Lionel Reading T-1’s were made by Samhonsha in Korea and imported through Mike Wolf who sold them to Lionel before MTH was formed.
Just one more question.
Does the PULLMOR motor used in these READING T-1’s have brushes that require periodic replacement?
Thank you for the information
The prototype or actual model of the T1 is by Reading Company, the Chessie T1 was a leased unit of an actual Reading T1 for Chessie’s 150th anniversery and painted to match the Chessie paint scheme.
Not sure who made the model for Lionel, but the price was around $850.00 new at the time of issue.
I have the new MTH Reading T1 and it runs great. Just make sure that your track is completely level at the connecting pieces-especially at switches, also the MTH version does not like two differant types of track being used, example-GarGraves to Lionel O gauge track with adapter pins.
Yes,the pullmore has brushes. These last a long time so unless you ran it a lot I doubt if they would need brush replacement. Can motors can not be serviced.
Dale Hz