Howdy all, does anyone know if Lionel ever made a salesmans set that was housed in a two door box? This box I have came with gunsmithing tools, but has the classic " L " inlaid in to the box. It’s not homemade, it’s obviously made that way by production. The box is about as big as two good sized shoe boxes set side by side. The doors fold together in the front and is has a unique little latch. Just wondered if this is Lionel? Thanks all, Jerry
The best thing you could do is post some photos of the box.
I cannot speak for Lionel, but I know that Flyer made a salesman case in the 1930s and offered it through their dealer catalogs. The Flyer case was similar to a small suitcase or brief case and I know that one surfaced a few years ago with a Mayflower set in it.
I was just at the National Toy Train Museum a few weeks ago, and they had a salesman’s case there. Now I wish I would have snapped a better picture of it. Here’s what I saw
Hope this helps,
J White
Sorry to be negative, but that “L” seems too crude to be something Lionel would have put on a salesman’s piece.
I have seen several different samples of Lionel Salesman boxes. I have not seen one like yours, but that hardly excludes it. It is also possible that a salesman had one made up like that. I know they had a version that was for OO gauge and some that just had some sample pieces in it. I would forward the photos you have to the toy train museum and ask them to do a search. Also, you could try contacting one of the guys at The, they have guys with a lot of experience in identifying Toy Train related items. While they wouldn’t be the ones to ask for a search, you could send your photos and see if they know of any others like it.
Good Luck,
There are alternative possiblities here. Like Gilbert, Lionel didn’t just make toy trains in the 50’s and 60’s. They manufactured other toys as well. As a child in the 60’s I had a Lionel-Porter chemistry set that came in a metal case virutally the same in design as yours except it was much shallower. And it was bright orange with blue lettering.
This box could have also been a microscope case, which would be why it’s so much deeper. Or it could have been exactly what it’s being used for now, a toolbox for a child’s set of carpentry tools.