Lionel SC-2 wired for switch track operation

I have TMCC installed on my layout. The command engines run fine. Now I want to move to the next level and control the switch tracks using an SC-2 . The Switch tracks are all O-72 K-Line or K-Line By Lionel.

The switches were all wired to the controllers that came with them and operate fine using those controllers. Because of the distances involved, each of the switch machines are wired to a barrier strip, and from the barrier strip to the individual switch controllers.

I used jumper wires from the terminals on the SC-2 and attached them to the same terminals on the barrier strip as the switch controller wires.

When I attempted to operate a switch using tmcc, nothing happened. Then I tried to operate the switch using the switch controller, the movable rails of the switch moved back and forth between the two positions untill I released the lever on the switch controller, and I noticed the fuse inside the SC-2 had blown…

I do not know where I have gone wrong. Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this?

Thanks for any ideas you may have.

Hi 71835,

Here is the video from Lionel to show you how to wire this up. Hope this helps?


I run three SC-2 controllers and there is something in the book about powering the controller. Page 6 or manual. Notice in the video that Laz suggested there is a wire heading over the table? That is the small transformer that comes with the SC-2. Do you hear the controller “click” when you use the CAB-1 or CAB-2? Even if it is not hooked up to a switch, you should hear it click. Is the green light on the SC-2 illumniated?

The SC-2 has a built-in antenna to receive
signals from the TrainMaster Command Base.
Place the SC-2 anywhere near track connected
to a Command Base, and it will receive its

Maybe Laz with his Legacy System knows if the above statement is still true. The TrainMaster Command Base was part of the TMCC system. I have a SC-2 at least ten feet away and it picks up the signal from the track very easily.

I have also heard that the antenna inside the SC-2 sometimes is loose.

7183, Keep in mind that out of the box the SC2, is programed to operate only 4 switches.The other 2 terminal blocks are for accessories. You may be shorting out at one of the terminals on the switch , causing it to change back and forth. K Line switches do not use a solenoid ,they use a micro DC box motor with 2 micro end switches. I had a problem like this with the non derail feature ,had a small wire laying on the track.

You realy need to read the manual and make sure you have it programed correctly to use all 6 blocks.


page 7 explaines power options track or wall.


For some switches, Fastrack comes to mine, you want to cut the ground lead that comes from the aux power to the first position of the SC2. You then just power it from the aux terminals, and all six positions are usable for any purpose.

I have my SC-2 near my modern ZW with 180 watt blocks, FASTTRACK and next to my accessories. I have 5 accessories hooked up to it but no switches. The SC-2 does pick up the signal from my Cab2 without being hooked up to the Legacy base. I have had no problems with the SC-2 while working my accessories. You should hear a click in the SC-2 when throwing a switch or turning on an accessory as BUCKEYE has stated.


Thanks to everyone for their input on this.

I have read the directions to the SC-2 several times,( in spite of the fact that it is normally something I try to avoid).

I power my switches with a Lionel Z. The voltage is set at 14 volts measured by a multi-meter.

I have followed the directions to configure the sc-2 to control no accessories, only 6 switches. I got through that operation without a problem.

I did get the clicking sound when I tried to operate a switch. The latest attempt I used a new switch right out of the box and copied the Lionel video which used a MTH switch. The switch moved the to the divergent route instead of the straight route, so I reversed the wires going to the sc-2. Tried again and got nothing. The light on the sc-2 did not come back on, I therefore concluded that I had blown my third fuse.

I have removed all the wiring from the switches to the sc-2 in frustration and have temporarily reverted to the switch controllers shipped with the switch tracks. I need to run my trains.

I have a multi meter from Radio shack which I was using to try and identify what each of the terminals on the switch track was for, but I get readings that make no sense to me. Mostly because I don’t know what I am doing or what I should be looking for.

I have 1 fuse left before I have to buy more. I am saving it until I get some more advice here.


Hi 71835,

Make sure you are on the 4 switch terminals of the SC-2, not the accessory terminals. Also where you spiced in your wires make sure they are the concurrent ones that go from the switch to the SC-2. By changing those two outside wires it should reverse itself with the switch direction. I don’t know what to say you got me stumped. Check the video again and check your hook ups.


I don’t know what a “micro DC box motor is”, or how that might impact the wire connections to the SC-2. I do realize that there is something different about these switches as there have dedicated controllers for right and left handed switches. I thought that it had something to do with the use of L.E.D’s instead of light bulbs, just like the new lionel switches are now.

I have also emailed Lionel looking for help as some of the switches were K-Line by Lionel. If anyone knows the address for RMT, the current seller of these switches I would ask them as well.

Lionel has been selling both of these devices so I would think they have the answer, if my e-mail gets to the right person there.

Connect the SC-2 “through” & “out” terminals to the non-derailing control rails instead of the controller posts.