Lionel "Super O" Track......5 Easy Pieces.................

If you have an interest in “Super O” trackage, read further. There are 5 quintessential works about “Super O” that are required reading for those of us interested in “the track”! This note compiles the 5 works in one place for reference:

  1. Classic Toy Trains, in 2000, published “Lionel Display Layouts You
    Can Build”. The beauty of these small to medium sized dealer display
    layouts is that they are 4’x8’, 5’x9’ and 8’x8’ and most of us can
    find enough space for one of these layouts. They are clever and
    classic postwar in design. There are 8 “Super-O” layouts and 12
    layouts using 027 and O gauge. Some very nice color shots that are
    sure to tantalize us tinplaters. Also included are wiring diagrams
    and necessary layout components. Also included in this 95 page book
    are some excellent stories about those who build these layouts,
    construction tips and much more. Strongly suggest that you get this
    book from your favorite source. It lists for $16.95

  2. Rudley’s Track Layouts for Lionel “Super-0” is a 24 page booklet
    put together by Joe Rudley in 1962. Joe was a Lionel dealer of note
    and also owner of the Sarasota Seashell and Train Museum in Florida.
    It was sold years ago and its contents (trains only I presume) were
    in Richard Kughn’s Carail buildings. The reason Joe put this booklet
    together is that there were no plans for “Super-O” Layouts available
    at that time. Originally the booklet sold for $.39 but it goes for
    considerably more when it can be found. It has about 18 pages (30
    layouts) including suggested scenic treatment, necessary components
    as well as sections on Scenery, Accessories (Mr. Rudley designed
    the portals for Lionel) and wiring. Some exquisite large layouts as
    well as many medium sized layouts. Another don’t miss. Be patient and
    I am sure you will find one. You can still find Joe Rudley at York.

  3. Classic Toy Trains (CTT) has a s