I have noticed that Lionel (can’t speak to the other companies) does a really poor job of letting people know what is in their packaging.
This subject I suppose could be connected to the thread about toy train starter sets.
It’s almost like Lionel thinks that people are either going buy their products no matter the lack of information on the box, or they are just plain stupid. As someone said, they don’t think “out of the box” let alone IN THE BOX!
Here’s what I mean. And believe me this post was made to point out how Lionel can do better and improve, not to just nag at a point.
Recently I was looking at rolling stock at the local train store and my four year old son noticed chickens on the side of the “cattle car.” It was on sale for $39.99, so I thought, “Okay. Kinda expensive for a car that does nothing–but that’s Lionel for you.”
Well, when I got the car home I put it on the track and whatdya know??!!! Out came the sound of chickens clucking! Well, I am easily amused and my son was impressed.
Now here’s the point! NO WHERE on the box was this novelty pointed out. Why didn’t Lionel make the box advertising to read something such as: “ACTUAL CHICKENS SOUNDS!!” or “SOUND EFFECTS!!” Each term with a bright yellow “star burst” around it??
I have found this to be true of all their products. Why heck! Elliot (MR.TRAIN HIMSELF!![:D] ) didn’t even know that my 1999 remake of the Hellgate bridge has lighted tower pillars that are spectacular looking at night and that the remake Rico station is lighted as well!
The list is endless!!
*101 Dalmations car: no where does it point out the features of the running figures!
*Constellation cars: no where is it pointed out that the cars have LIGHTED constellations on the side of the cars!
*Carousel: Does the box read: Lights! Music! Actually turns! Horses move up and down!! No. It doesn’t.
Does Lionel think that people know