lionmaster 6-11208 with vision line whistle

lionmaster 6-11208 with vision line whistle, problem with whistle.

smoke not coming through the steam whistle. any way to get it working properly.

I am using the legacy cab2

i believe the whistle has a separate fluid reservoir. did you fill it? if you did, did you overfill it? might be a bubble in there that needs to be blown out?

exhausts my limited knowledge. [8-|]

whistle has the same reservor as the smoke stack and the stack smokes great, I used the amount of drops lionel recommends.

beats me, then.

time to call lionel?

I think that this is the same smoke unit as used in the Vision Challenger (the Lionel replacement part number is the same) and in my experience it is problematic.

One thing for sure, DON’T try to service this yourself. This unit has a very different internal arrangement than any other LIonel SMU and if you open it up you will not be able to get the wicks back in place, which are on a “hanger” arrangement next to the resistors in two chambers.

I had to have mine serviced by Lionel. I have found that it doesn’t produce a lot of smoke at the best of times and the get it going you have to be running at a high track voltage. If you are seeing this problem after the stacks start to smoke I’d guess that there is fluid in the plastic connector that joins one chamber of the unit to the whistle hole itself. Try blowing down that the clear the fluid. Of course, lack of enough fluid is a more frequent problem than you think but you simply can’t tell without running the engine and seeing whether topping it up helps - preferably adding fluid when the unit is off.

Good luck! I found that Lionel did the service very quickly.

Thanks for the info, I will have to try it out, will let you know if it works.

Just blew out whistle, added more liquid smoke, started engine and put smoke on high, let it set for a while and I noticed some smoke coming out of whistle, blew the whistle and smoke came out of the whistle.

thanks for the info

That’s good. I think that maybe this particular unit takes a long time to heat up. I was running my Challenger around the track today and the whistle smoke was near enough invisible for the first 7 or 8 minutes, then functioned pretty normally, by which I mean not spectacular but nice to see.

Trouble is there are YouTube videos of these same models that show a lot more smoke output . . .

I agree, I seen you tube videos showing a lot of smoke coming out of the whistle. On my Big Boy, when I blow the whistle more smoke comes out of the stacks then the whistle. Thanks again.