List Moderator

Any One have the email address of the list Moderator?

Or is asking this question Prohibited?


This is not a “list” - it is a group of forums. It does not have a single moderator. The forums has four-five or so user moderators, who are deputized to remove posts, lock threads or lock out users who misbehave.

Want to report some inappropriate post ? Use the “Report abuse” link in the lower right hand corner of posts.

Want to make suggestions or ask questions from the forum owners ? Use the “Customer Service” link above the box with your name in in the rightmost column of your browser window.


Hello, Howard. Stein is correct. We don’t have a published list per se. The four moderators on this series of forums are: tstage, NZRMac, selector, and Murphy Siding.

Any time you wish to ask something of the moderators, or to report something you find offensive or inappropriate, please use the “Report Abuse” link at the corner of each text box post that you see. Your message will appear in a forum that administrators and moderators see privately.


Crandell - maybe I missed it, has anyone been named to replace Bergie??

George, sorry to take so long with this…Bergie’s replacement is Dana Kawala.


Hi guys,

Actually, Dana covers the MR portion. There’s a different person for each magazine covered by, so there isn’t one person who looks after the entire forum. (I least that’s how I understand it, anyway.)

Merry Christmas, everyone!


One other small tidbit… I’m using Firefox and G Paine’s image in his signature is so wide it’s blowing the right column of the page off the screen. Is anyone else see this?

G Paine, can you reduce the width of that image a tad?


Hey, Bergie!!! It is good to hear from you!

George’s image fits inside the boundaries on my screen. I am using IE8. I still get the odd occurrence of stretched images going off to the right margin of the screen, and often beyond, but that is rare. Last time was last week…? But George’s has consistently been fine for me for days now.


Same here. I’m using Firefox 3.5.6 and his sig pic has the right side margin blown way out.

Me too on FF 3.5.6. There are a couple of others too.

And good to hear from you Mr. B, hope you and yours and all the mods here have a good Christmas!

Hello all,

How can I stop getting these messages from the list moderator?

The only time it is wide for me is when I am logged in. I only login to post a message. I then log out. No problem. For years I have never figured out why people insist in staying logged in to forums.


I don’t know from whom of the moderators (there are four) you are getting messages…? Are you talking about email notifications of posts to this thread…which is more likely?

Enter your profile (see the right sidebar with all the advertising…it is among all that, under My Profile), and enter “Update Profile”. Scroll down to where it talks about receiving email notifications and such, and uncheck what you need to. Don’t forget to click on “Save changes” before you leave the page!


Hey Guys, sorry about that, sounds like something that is in Firefox and not IE. I will take a look at the image and try to do something about it. I have an idea what may be going on

Perhaps because you can? I know some people sit there all day with a browser window open, but I read the forums, post occasionally, and then navigate away from the site, or close my browser altoghther. But I don’t see the issue with staying logged in either. Even someone like me who reads a lot and posts occasionally, I find it annoying to try to reply to something I’m reading, only to have to log in first. Much easier to not have to worry about it.

It worked…no more blown out—[^]

Hello Bergie.

I am using the latest version of Firefox and I have no problems. The image is normal size as are all others.

All the best to you and your family for Christmas and the coming New Year.

Blue Flamer.

What are you seeing with Firefox? After I reduced the size, the image on my screen stops at the word ‘up’ in my quote. All I did was to change the image from 300 dpi to 72 dpi; the image width was unchanged at 2.6 inches.

Both Chrome and Firefox show the same—image shows at up

Worked for as well, also only to the word “up”. So could be a bit wider yet if you like, maybe 150dpi?

Before it would go wayyyyy off the right hand of the screen, taking all the words in your post with it so I had to scroll to read all of your post. FYI, my monitor is set at 1680 x 1050 with “normal” font size.