Lite on lights

Just picked up a BLI 3800 class 2-10-2 ATSF ,very nice loco alot of features but with very little lighting ,what can I do ? can or has anybody fitted an upgrade ? Thanks.

Your question is not really clear – what do you expect it to have other than a headlight and possibly a backup light on the tender? Steam engine headlights were very dim compared to those on a modern diesel engine.

What kind of lighting are you after ???

Tomar industries sells working marker lights…

Is this a DCC equipped engine - some of the controllers have support for firebox & cab lighting…


thanks for your reply my loco has no back up light only a dummy on the top of the tender, and two dummies near number boards on top from of loco,I’m just trying to add a little more detail to the unit ,regards Tom

Thanks for your reply ,it is a DCC loco but with only dummy marker lights and rear ,just trying to add detail with some interest,will try Tomar.Regards Tom.