Little OT: But for some reason these people look familiar...can't quite place my finger on it

I saw the old LifeLike police station kit at 1:05 but then found the music too annoying to stay with it to the end of the video. I did see that the car was being pulled by a string.

Dave Nelson

Geez I would have used G Scale figures, at least they look semi-human. These looked like the mash potato faced Pig People in that Twilight Zone episode.

Total waste of time for me.

Well Dave, we all realize you’re only into hardcore Gangster Rap from the ‘90s, but the music really wasn’t too bad, just mellow.
Those familiar Lifelike buildings made me think that the blue convertible was actually S-Scale, as it looked a bit big compared to those buildings that I known and used to own. That would also alleviate the need to do plastic surgery on those figures’ limbs to get them to fit in the car, and probably few even noticed.

Yes, the string was obvious, the country road was way too narrow, and the figures not well painted. Perhaps this video Muse - Uprising will be more to your liking (it also demonstrates the dangers inherent in mixing teddy bears and model layouts).