Little River #1 strikes a pose.

Little River #1 strikes a pose.

Little River #1 an 0-4-0 is an Ex Pennsylvania RR Class A2 built about 1889. It was the first locomotive used by the Little River RR in the early 20th century. It helped build the rail road.

It did spend part of its time on the RR actually IN the Little River.

I always loved this shot of a well weathered and used/abused little tea kettle still pushing logs around in the 1920’s about 30-35 years after it was built.

So I just had to model this scene. I started with the LGB 0-4-0 I started outdoor railroading many years ago.

I was able to locate the correct wires and splice in to them for eventual battery/RC power and control with a trailing car in the future. The locomotive was spray painted flat black from a rattle can. The draw bar was shortened and 30 years of grime and use were put on the model. I was able to stage my own vintage photo from the 1920’s.

Here are the full color 21rst century digital images we are usually accustomed to seeing.

Hi Tom Nice set up keep going on projects like that [:)] its well worth the time it takes