Live-streaming event on Friday!

We’ll be unboxing products from Menards (O gauge), Walthers (HO), and PIKO America (large scale) on Friday January 31 at 1 p.m. Central Time.

Here is the link to where to watch:

Well hot stuff! Looks like “Bob’s Train Box” is back! I’ll try not to miss the show!

In a way, yes! Bob Keller will be on screen with Hal for part of the unboxing!

I just finished watching the “Product Palooza.” Very enjoyable! And I hope to see some more.

By the way, after looking at Bob Keller, Hal Miller, and Steve Sweeney, I think I’m gonna grow a beard so maybe I can be on the “Product Palooza” too someday! [;)]

Just a suggestion. Is there any way possible you can run “Product Palooza” in “Prime Time,” for lack of a better phrase? Say starting at 6:00 PM EST? Or barring that, re-running it at a later time? I think you’d get a bigger audience.

I didn’t have a problem catching it as I’m retired and my time’s my own, but everyone else isn’t in that category.

I’ll pass on your comments. They are experimenting with different times and locations. It will be available to watch (either Facebook or otherwise) later.

Thanks Rene! For your efforts you folks should have a much bigger audience than retirees and their parents! [;)]

Me too! Me too! [:D] I wasn’t able to watch live either. I second the request! [:D]

Just sent an email about viewing the not-so-live version. I’ll let you know when I get a link!

Thanks Rene!

The “Product Palooza” is a great idea, I’d just hate to see it die out due to poor “time-slotting.”

The fact there’s only been two respondants on this thread, myself and “Penny Trains” should tell them something.

Here’s a link to the entire stream:

Here’s just the segment with O gauge items:

The next event will be February 28 at 3 p.m. Central Time.

Thanks Rene! I’ll enjoy watching it again, and I’m sure others will enjoy seeing it for the first time!

I just finished watching it for the first time since I was at work when it was live-streaming. I enjoyed it. If more are produced, I will be sure to watch those too.


Thanks for the comments! It’s a work in progress (for instance, the Menards structure segment was too long).

Bumping this up, as we have another event coming next Friday, the 28th at 3 p.m. CT.

Link to streaming window:

Thanks Rene,
I liked the Menards Schneider Terminal stream but I agree as you said a bit to long winded. Also, for those who don’t k

Bump–event is this afternoon. We have a full hour planned, with Roger Carp talking about Lionel items from the 1960s, a DCC system from PIKO America, Classic Trains 20th anniversary, and so much more!

This is at 3 P.M. from what I saw on face book

Sorry–yes, 3p.m. Central Time! You can view via the link in this thread or on Facebook.