Live webcam build

Who’s gonna watch the webcast build ??

I forgot about it. LOL

Well, as I’m traveling this week, if the hotel I’m staying at has free wireless, I will. If not, I’ll have to check it out later.

Any link to see it?

Looks like someone already started…and it looks like a mod-u-rail section from WS.

The direct link is

The module you saw over the weekend was actually the extension of the Turtle Creek layout that we ran in 2005. We used it to set up the lighting and focus the cameras. The project layout starts today. As the previous poster noted, you can watch it here:
Thanks for watching and for reading MR,

Doesn’t look like its going to be a streaming webcast, but rather a time lapsed video auto-refreshing itself every 10 to 17 seconds. I hope the whole week doesn’t go this slow !

yeah im watching it at work and hopes it goes a little faster thatn this

The benchwork is about done, we have the decoders in the locomotives, and we’re making good progress on the structures. You can check on all the progress at the URL I gave above - thanks!

Anyone else having problems with the page loading? I’ve tried on two different computers and the page itself loads but the time-lapsed webcam shot only loads about a quarter of the picture and then it starts reloading again.
I haven’t seen anything except the top of a couple of peoples heads and the ceiling.
Both computers I’ve used are on 56K dial-up but I haven’t ever had a problem with streaming audio or video before.


Bryan - I saw this happen a few times early this afternoon, even though I was using a very high speed connection. I suspect what is happening for you and perhaps other dial-up folks is that the feed is too slow and the image is refreshing before the last image is completely displayed on the screen. Things were OK again later in the afternoon for me.


I had thought that that maybe the problem but the image starts to reload every five seconds or so. Someone else said that the feed was refreshing every 15 seconds so I didn’t think that was the problem but you may be right. By the time my connection gets the image, it is refreshing again.
The fact that I never get anymore than the top quarter of the image and the image appears to be the exact same one made me think there might be a different issue. Like I said, I can see the top of peoples heads but they never seem to have moved from the previous image loading attempt.
Oh well, I’ve got DSL at my apartment, I’ll go see if I can get it to work there.


Yep, it’s refreshing every 15 seconds or so. I have comcast cable highspeed internet.

Interesting. I hate to be the one who has Dileup.

Its not too exciting to watch without any close-ups of the work.

Do we get a “program” to identify the “players”? [:)]

That’s my thought, too.

It’s sort of like looking at an article with across-the-room-shots of the steps, and with no captions.

Leaves a lot to the imagination. [%-)]

This is their first time doing this. It’s a learning experience and I suspect they’ll do it again but will implement lessons learned.

Take care,