I am planning a small facility for my main town and just a secondary water tank at a second town. My main facility will have a water tank, some type of coal loader (I’m still working on a design for that) and a small diesel fueling station. These will go next to the new large station I’m building for my main town. I already have the water tank built.
The diesel station will be built using the tank from a 20’ Aristo tank car -
I’ll stick it up on a platform with a hose on it. I’ll save the rest of the car to use as a little flat car.
Jim Strong has a nice small facility at the town of Willow Flats -
I, too, am looking towards a smaller depot. In my case I will need it to accommodate trackage on both sides. Some time back someone posted an “engine shed” that is in the ballpark for what I want. In my case I have a trolley line behind the station, and want a covered roof over the trolley when it stops for passenger loading/unloading. On the front side I want a longer roof line to accommodate passenger trains. I have been thinking about a modification of this photo.
I was thinking about making the “office” portion much narrower and only about half the length of the roof over the trolley line. I plan on leaving out the wall on the left side of the photo, leaving the open beam that support the roof.
I’m still debating weather or not to incorporate the clearstory roof. The photo shows enough room for multiple tracks passing through, so I would be making it considerably smaller.
On the flip side, SWMBO wants the station to be like the photo shows, with trolley line next to the ticket window, and the passenger line running under the same roof. That way the office portion will back up against the Koi pond.
I don’t know if this is anything like you had in mind, but maybe just a thought to grow upon.
So whats an AUS bush tramway station doing in the US[:D]
That could also be a loco shed with a small work shop on the side I would leave the ventilator on the roof that’s what the clearstory is for.
I like the idea of that building unaltered or perhaps some fancy wood work added, with longer platforms ie platform protruding both ways with the building in the middle could be a pain if something comes off the track. or that snail wasn’t seen YUK!!.
More pictures or an engineering drawing could be usefull done right that would be a nice main station on a garden railway
Model Railroader had an article about small shops in their last spical issue, something like Modelers Guide to freight yards or something like that. It described a small coal operation that had four 0-6-0’s and an ex penn. 2-8-2. The shop had four stalls (one eas extended to fit the Mike) with three standerd switches, a rip track, which was also the coal dump. there were also an abundence of old cars that were now buildings. and masses of parts laying around. I’ll try to find the pic and post it.
Small error, the article is in the October 2007 issue of model railrader on pg 14. This isn’t the picture, (seems it isnt worth putting up on the internet) but it does give a good idea of what it looked like.
Someone here on this forum (I’m sorry, but forgot who) posted a link to their web page detailing the construction of this project. I downloaded the pictures from his article on 7-27-07, and have lost the link to his article. I’ve just put this group of pictures on shutterbug. I just hope that the author of that article does not get upset over sharing his pictures. If you want to take the time to do the search of these pages, at least the date I downloaded his pics will give you an idea of how far back to search.
Thanks for reminding me the diesel fleet needs looking after as well liked the fuel point idea there is more to a Loco depot than just the Loco shed’s.