Loco Headlights

Is there a non DCC method of having constant intensity LED ditch and headlights for an Athearn GP 38-2 ?



I have used diodes as a rectifier and used the voltage drope to run two 1.5 volt “grain of rice” bulbs for a Pyle headlight on a Baldwin AS16. I guess you could run three this way. Not only does it give you constant lighting, but also directional lighting.

Check out this site, very good information.



Where did you find the parts for the lighting circuit? Does Radio Shack carry them ???

  • George

I have built and installed the lighting circuit that is described at this web site and it is not only very easy to make but inexpensive and very small. It works really great and I am looking in to adapting the design to light my cars as well.
Try it and I am sure you will agree.
Bob R.

See the site www.mrollins.com/circuit.html
It is an eccellent source, and it has the part numbers for several U.S. electronics stores. (I.E: Radio Shack) The headlight I made only cost about $5 - 7. It was easy to make, and I’m only fifteen.

Try www.mouser.com The chip 76cents and the LED’s are less than that.