Loco quits suddenly

A loco runs for a while (an hour or so) then stops. Lights and sound work but it will not move. Mechanism is free and, if encouraged by prodding at the flywheel will move a bit. Decoder is warm to the touch.

Atlas RS1 with TCS motherboard and LokSound decoder.

Mark Hendershott


What DCC system are you using?


I notice the TCS website’s page re their WOWMotherboards says “NOTE: Add a 21-pin WOW121 or EU821 Decoder for this product to function properly.” Perhaps having a different maker’s decoder plugged into it is causing the trouble, like overheating?

A main purpose of the WOWMotherboard is to provide TCS “keep alive” technology; I know ESU’s version (“Power Pack”) works differently - different number of wires used etc.

Is it a dcc problem or an electrical contact problem like a broken solder joint or frayed stranded wire? If you can coax the motor to respond, it sounds more contact related than chip related


It looks like there are two versions of the WOW Motherboard: a ‘high pin’ one made to work with other manufacturer’s decoders, and a ‘low pin’ one that apparently is made to just work with TCS decoders. Maybe if you have a “low pin” version, that ESU decoder isn’t making good electrical contact?

If you have a TCS decoder (sound or non-sound), maybe try plugging that in and see if the same problem turns up. If the same problem comes up, it means the problem is probably with the Motherboard or how it’s connected, rather than the ESU decoder.

Hello All,

Is this continuous, non-stop, running, or are you varying the speed and direction?

What is the load being pulled- -number and type of cars?

Do you have a grade it runs up?

If so, approximately what percentage grade?

Did you install the decoder and motherboard or is it a factory install?

How long does it take for the loco to “reset” (cool down) and begin running again?

What about the motor, is it warm to the touch too?

How about the shell, is it warm where the motor is?

When components overheat they tend to “smell hot.” Is there a particular odor coming from the components; decoder, motherboard, motor?

I’m not familiar with LokSound decoders but it sounds like a thermal problem; could be the decoder or the motor overheating.

What is the ambient temperature and humidity where you have the pike; attic, garage, spare room, or basement?

Getting more specific answers helps the great folks on these forums with providing answers to your issue.

Hope this helps.