loco-sound steam tender problem

I have an MTH Rail-King 4-6-0 steamer with loco-sound, manufactured in 2000. The engine starts out in neutral as it should, but when I sequence to forward, it moves forward for about 2 seconds, then goes back to neutral. When I sequence again, it does the same thing, forward for 2 seconds, then back to neutral. I hooked the engine to another loco-sound tender and it worked fine, so the problem is in the tender. All the sounds and smoke work, it just wont move forward (or reverse) for more than 2 seconds. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Call MTH. My scale big boy was doing something like that. Come to find out that that year they got some not so good chips for the circuit boards. They did not know this until a few years latter. I called on my big boy last year or the year before & was told about the bad chip deal.

Gave them the information they needed & they sent me a new chip now everything works as it should. If you are wondering about the cost… It was free & took me all of about 6 minutes to change it out.

Hope this helps you out.

Thanks ED. I’ll give it a try
