loco stalls on grade

I just installed a Tsunami 2 TSU-PNP patr # 885013 in an Athearn Genesis FP45 everything seams to program ok i lowered the top speed down to 100 and the start at 2 , programed the DDE as per manual. The slow and level speed goes ok but when the loco starts up a grade the sound increases but the loco stalls. Does the DDE the loco or just the sound i have adjusted the CVs 209 thru 220 with no help and have returned them to default. Can anyone help me the programing?

Thanks Ken

Stupid question: But did you test it going up the grade before you reprogrammed it?

You’ve set the top speed down to 2/5ths of what it is capable of. You didn’t say how steep your grade is. My guess is that with the top speed set that low, there just isn’t enough to carry it as the load of the grade increases.


I have reset back to factory default 3-4 times with same results. The grade is 2% the train is 6 cars, 5 other trains all with first gen tsunami sound on layout will pull more cars with out an increase in throttle and if I add to many will start spinning out, this engine will finally pull but with max speed step it acts like the BEMF settings are the cause i dont know and have adjusted them and have returned to default. Still confused

Most definitely a chin scratcher. If you did a CV8 = 8 and then reset the power and tried going up the hill on Addy = 3, and it still slows down, then that sounds like a potential motor issue. If you don’t have a spare decoder, I would hard wire up the motor to the pickup brushes (bypassing the decoder motor outputs) and turn on DCC analog support just to see what it would do. That would take the decoder out of the equation.

In your first post, you say the engine stalls. In your second post you say the engine is spinning. There’s a big difference in diagnosis between the two.


The FP45 stalls out , 5 other engines I have will spin out with to many car

Have you tried it as suggested without the decoder installed, on DC ? That will tell you if it has anything to do with the decoder or not.