Loco surge

Loco’s just started to surge in certain area’s

Zephyr Ho Scale I just added some tracks to the yard it might have something to do with that but I have no

Idea where to start all my loco do it

If they all surge in only certain areas (all the same areas) then I would look for dirty track. It might even have a thin coating of clear glue on it if you’ve been doing scenery or ballast.

What kinds of (wheelbases and pickups) locos do you use?

First thing that comes to mind is it near where you have feeder wires? Power is higher near them, if the engines run faster close to them, add more feeders around the layout.

Check for lose rail joiners as well.

Have you done the quarter test? If you don’t know what it is, make sure you ask for details!

Cuda Ken

Both answers supplied so far are good.

Dirty rail will definitely produce surges as you move from dirty to clean areas of track where contact is better.

Lack of adequate feeders will definitely cause surging problems.

A third possibility is poor conductivity between sections of track if the rail joiners are not tight.


The first sign of dirty track or wheels is a flickering headlight. Is problem localized where work was done or “after work”, problems started elsewhere. Feeders, Booster, Circuit breaker?

When you say they all surge, if you mean that they continually start and stop and won’t run continuously, you have created a short circuit that is causing the internal circuit breaker in the Zephyr to shut off, reset, shut off, reset – repeatedly. Disconnect that last piece of track you added and see if this solves the problem. If so, use insulated rail joiners at the turnout.