Hello my friends, I wonder how many locomotives Litle Jhon (called the Russian in Brazil
Not “little John”, but “Little Joe” (from Josef, as in Josef Stalin). 20 were built, of which five went to Brazil.
Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Joe_(electric_locomotive)
Found by going to http://www.google.com and entering search words:
Brazil locomotives the russian
Google is a pretty good place to start when looking for general information about real railroads and locomotives.
MTH made a run of them last year. You should be able to find one if interested. The link has a history with it that shows they operated in Brazil until 1999.
but what would grace of search on google or wikipedia?
there would be no forum where they can make
sorry but they were scrapped in the early 1990 leaving this one here at the museum in my city