I currently have a temporary layout (until I get my actual layout built) with some Bachmann E-Z Track and for some weird reason I can’t figure out, my Athearn GP35 and P2K GP9 will stall at the switch frogs and after I get them going again, they run jerkily on the curve that comes after the switch. I cleaned the tracks and wheels with isopropal alcohol but I didn’t see much difference. How do I fix this problem?
You probably need to add more power feeder wires to the track just beyond the turnout. You could have loose rail joiners that are not passing adequate power to the track, particularly with the E-Z track setup.
The EZ track turnouts really aren’t that good, but do have a powered frog if you want. Check with an ohm meter to see that you have continuity where you should vs where you don’t. You could also use a trouble light/voltmeter when track is powered. I remember having to solder in jumper wires to get the power to be reliable since sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.
LION has double scissor switch. Him left the whole thing unpowered. Trains (with 48 wheel pick-up) cross it just fine thank you.
If your train stalls on a frog, you have pick-up problems. Modern locomotives have 8 to 12 wheel pickup, should have no problem. Your problem is in the tracks. Correct they are who say that your rail joiners are ferkaputten.