Locomotive Workshop Welded tender kit has arrived!

The locomotive Workshop welded tender kit has arrived and it is over the top!The tender floor is a solid brass billet 1/8" thick!No instructions so I will have to figure out how to assemble it.

Very heavy!

Trucks test fitted…

Added two truck bolsters made out if brass tubing with a plastic insert.

Try the adhesive route…see if it works!

Starting to look like a tender…tge brass panel will slide back and off should truck service/replacement become necessary…

One major advantage of the abnormally thick tender floor is the ease in which the ladder was assembled.Just put it in the bench vise!

Fitted a piece of textured plastic to simulate a coal .it is removable.

philo - You certainly are rockin’ it throw-back style. Enjoying the progress shots.

Thanks!it is going well thus far!

Decals were a bit tricky!Just have to add the draw bar abd coupler!

Wow! Man, you are just moving right along with that thing, like a man on a mission! Looks great!


Looks good. When I used to custom paint brass, I had to bake on the finish with an old toaster oven.

Well I used Painters Touch 2x primer and paint abd let it cure for 3 days ,sometimes baking in the sun. Results are quite good and the finish has no orange peel !Spray paint is a lot better now!

Draw bar installed.

Went with a Kadee O scale coupler.Small compared to O gauge but they mesh.Might install the other Kadee Coupler on this Atlas O scale IC boxcar…

wow! Fantastic!

Here’s something about decals:

in a previous lifetime, I painted an H0 Pennsy GG1 in Tuscan, but then had to apply decals. The stripes were tricky, but when I got to the railroad name, I thought to myself:

" Couldn’t

I have picked a railroad with a shorter name…"

Nice work! It looks great.