Locomotive Yard Details

Here are some pictures of my new loco yard I added on this last weekend. Please excuse the mess and hanging wires, I’ll be getting it cleaned up during the week per orders of the War Department(my lovely wife). I need ideas on what to add to this space besides the obvious ballast and plant life.

This is the yard with my favorite three railroads. Notice I said three even though it looks like there are four here. Look closer at the UP locos. Anyway I thought about a yard office in the space on the left of the CNW dash 9’s. Any suggestions.


Here I thought about adding a steam era water tank in the wye across the abandoned tracks from the tower. Any suggestions here also

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Fuel and sand come quickly to mind. Do you want any maintenance work done? If so, in a building? I’ll leave it to those who know what they are doing to give expert advice. [:D]
As to the water tower, if you don’t want to go to the trouble of modeling the whole thing, how about just the foundation? The same thing goes for a (now removed) coaling tower. The Department of the Treasury (see War Department) may appreciate this approach too. [8D]

Too modern for my tastes, but how about a wash rack for your motive power ?
NMRA Life 0543

yeh put in a washrack! you could wash out the staines from those UP engines!!!
this is a joke and no offence!

Where’s the MESS!

I got a copy of Marty McQuirk’s Engine Terminal Servicing by Kalmbach, If only I could find it I would give the proper name. Regardless it’s an excellent resource for both Steam and diesel eras. Well worth the investment.

Great addition to your layout. I agree fuel, sand and maintenance buildings are a good idea.

The book is :

The Model Railroader’s Guide to Locomotive Servicing Terminals

I hope the link works this time:


Again nice work Jeremy or Juby4life


Good work Jeremy. I look foward to more pictures of you layout in the future.

I got that book! lots of info and pictures, and for Diesel they mention these structures:
A sanding tower, advice American Limited, it can handle 1 - 4 tracks
servicing platform
and according to my 7 year old son: all locomotive-servicing facilities and stations MUST have a small office building where all personal gathers to drink coffee!
and jeremy, you definately need a wash-rack! [:P][:P][:P]

How about an old caboose for the office building? Room in there for a doughnut fryer, then no-one would get any work done [:D]
That book looks interesting… Hmm…new turnout ? book?..new turnout?..book? What if the book makes me rip up track I’ve had down for a year and a half?..
Are we having fun yet?[:D][:D][:D]