Where someone takes an image of an engine, projects it via overhead projector onto a flat surface, and someone else draws an outline of it. [swg]

I know what you mean LOL. But, the question I’m asking is about real trains. I heard from a post in my post last week that you can track units around the U.S. with LOCOTRACE. Does anybody know if this is true? I tried looking it up on the Web, but, couldn’t find anything related to this about tracking where engines are, supposedly.

At the risk of starting a flame war…what need do you have for such information?

I sorry if I asked the wrong question. I was just curious on what it is. But, you made a point, don’t start a flame war. It might cause problems and I don’t want that to happen here. I’m sorry.

To answer your question,its a private website that used to track D&RGW units and the UP Heritage units across the US before the D&RGW units were all patched over or assimulated into the Borg (U P )

The last time I checked the page had expired,so I guess they’re no longer tracking them…[sigh]

I can look up engines and cars for you if you want

That’s not what I meant, and sorry to seem like I jumped at ya.

No it’s not neccessary. If you go to the tracks without information you sometimes are surprised by some engine or some car you might see that you haven’t ever seen before. So I really don’t need to know, I was just curious on what it is, that’s all.

And that is what makes train watching so exciting - the surprise! [^]

Most Railroads use “GPS” and know with in a few feet where every engine is.

Is that right. well then name them…

Is that right. well then name them…


I really wanted a answer GEE… cause if he got it right had more questions…

My goodness, sometimes, I have to wonder what else a few of you believe. Yes indeed, name them.

In their defense, I think I’ve heard that the manufacturers have the ability to track and monitor some of the newer locomotives. I can’t name names, though, 'cause I’m pulling that out of deep memory - a truly scary place.

On the other hand, said practice is somewhat common in the trucking industry, witness the little white domes evident on most OTR semi-tractors.

watch out valley x they will be hitting the report abuse button on you to.

Well, just as one f’rinstance - GE Transportation Systems’ “LOCOCOMM”[tm] On-Board Computer - “The system serves as the platform for I-based solutions from GE such as PinPoint™ locomotive tracking, . . . The system has a multi-mode communications package that enables a wireless data link to locomotives on the move.” [emphasis added - PDN] From: http://www.getransportation.com/na/en/lococomm.html

[quote user=“Paul_D_North_Jr”]

Well, just as one f’rinstance - GE Transportation Systems’ “LOCOCOMM”[tm] On-Board Computer - “The system serves as the platform for I-based solutions from GE such as PinPoint™ locomotive tracking, . . . The system has a multi-mode communications package that enables a wireless data link to locomotives on the move.” [emphasis added - PDN] From: http://www.getransportation.com

A road foreman on wheels… That’s a great way to describe it.