log books

I would like to start logging all the trains I have been watching and riding on. Is there a form that someone has put together or is there a logbook that is published? Thanks in advance, if this is a newbee question, sorry.

I remember many years ago someone advertising sheets for such log books in Trains.

You’d probably be better off making up a form with spaces for things YOU’RE interested in, and making photocopies (you could even put two pages on one sheet of paper if you don’t want your logbook to be a full-sized notebook).

Be sure to include date, time, and direction (origin and destination for trains you’re riding; location of trains you’re watching). Beyond that, you may be interested in the type of train, the numbers of locomotives, quantities of cars, the designation of the train if you can find that out. And leave plenty of room to make notes of things that are significant or unusual to you.

Good luck! There are many times when I wish I’d documented what I’d seen when I saw it.


when I take train pictures and get them back I think I’ve seen that engine before but the numbers would be off by one or two.But thats a good reason to keep taking pictures.When you have the run through power I’ve been seeing lately its even better.
stay safe