Has anyone tried to make logging camp buildings; bunk houses, kitchen, etc. out of box cars? There seem to be few kits or even plans. I’ve looked at JV and it looks more effort than its worth. What other suggestions are there?
I’ve seen boxcars used as structures on all sorts of railroads. Can’t say I’ve seen one used particularly in a logging camp though. (Doesn’t mean it hasn’t.)
Art, American Model Builders (AMB) makes a nice wooden boxcar depot and storage shed kit. They are made out of wood and, as you can see below, they look very handsome.
I’ve gotten the AMB kits on discount from both Walthers and Internet Trains. I have the boxcar structures, as well as the AMB Interlocking tower and small grocery store on my layout. I really like them a lot. Click on the link at the bottom of my post to see what they look like assembled. I would think they would fit in quite nicely in your logging camp.
I made one but I messed up the paint and so now I’ve got to strip it and repaint.
Making it was easy. It only took a couple of hours to cut holes for windows, doors and a couple of missing boards, and then glue on some strip styrene for window frames, doors, and hole patches.
Remember that some of these things got to looking pretty delapitated over the years so vary your weathering and “newness” accordingly.
Unless you are modeling something specific just go for the “feel” of it as most, if not all, of these types of cars were one offs created in the local RR’s shops for their own purposes.
BTW, Tom, that car looks incredable!
Mine looks kind of like that one only after 20 or 30 years of abuse.
Most of my logging camp buildings are made from old boxcars or parts of boxcars, windows are put in, old doors added,steps put on or up to, chimneys on the roof, pilings or shoring underneath, small awnings added, wooden storage boxes attached to th car, some are bunk cars, one is the cook car,storage cars, the nice thing about logging is anything goes ! !
Tatans. How bout some pics. My old imagination needs some help. There is a swap meet coming and I thought there might be some box cars there to get me started.
arthill:::Still unpacking after a 7,600 km. move will try to get some photos when I figure out how. try some books on early logging, I got some great ideas from them, the swap meet is a great source for “beater” boxcars, who cares if there are no wheels,also they used old tank cars for water, old wooden passenger cars for bunks etc, and the price is right, who cares if you wreck a car, it’s great practice.