Looking for a oldy but a goody

Hi All

Say I’m looking for a old layout plan that was back some years.

It was a N scale one that MR did called the Cliffield it went all around the U,S, in shows. I had the book but house got flooded out and lost them. If anyone knows where to find the plans that would be a help.





You probably get better response asking your question in one of the Model Railroader forums.

  • Erik

Hello, your request should go into the MODEL RAILROADER section instead.

Frank: I have some words for you on this. The model railroad you are looking for is called the Clinchfield and the author I believe was Gordon Odegard. Look for the articles in the Model Railroad Magazine database here on Trains.com.

The real Clinchfield Railroad ran from Elkhorn City, Kentucky down to Spartanburg, South Carolina. For many years the Atlantic Coast Line and the Louisville & Nashville shared ownership.


The articles were in MR from 11/78 to 7/79 every other month more or less.

I recently catalogued articles from my old MRs, but the 1978 ones are still MIA-from what I do recall, the 11/78 issue was about the layout in general, & I -think- benchwork was covered in the 12/78 issue. The rest were in these:

Layouts-Clinchfield Series 3-Tracklaying-1/79
Layouts-Clinchfield Series 4-Wiring-3/79
Layouts-Clinchfield Series 5-Scenery-5/79
Layouts-Clinchfield Series 6-Structures/Detailing-6/79
Layouts-Clinchfield Series 7-Locos/Rolling Stock/Operation/Setup Takedown-7/79

I believe Kalmbach eventually collected the articles in a book on building the Clinchfield. The Clinchfield was a real RR BTW.