Looking for a website

At one time I had bookmarked an excellent site that listed trains, accessories, and other wonderful stuff in a numerical format. It also showed items for sale and usually a picture of each item.

I seem to remember that it was “TRAINZ”, but when I look at that current websight I don’t find that same ‘encyclopedia’ !

Any ideas?

postwarlionel.com maybe?

If you’re thinking of the old trainz.com website that no longer exists.

I was just on it, the Trainz site, about a week ago. It’s the part that is a public buy/sell board with a info data base, right ?

I just tried to log on but there site /server must be down , no response.

Update: It is back up, just go to the trainz.com site and there is a link in the upper right hand corner. That is where the the data is located.

THATS IT !!! Thanks so much. I was looking for the WRONG thing. Must be the ‘Luddite’ gene again.