Looking for an Ahthearn Genesis MT4 With Sound

After a lengthly online search I haven’t found any Athearn Genesis MT4s with sound for sale.

Trainworld has some without sound but would like to consider one with sound if it’s on sale anywhere.

Anyone happen to know of one? Anyone with lst hand experience with this loco on grades? Pulling power on a 3%?

My birthday is coming up in about a week and some discussion the Household Minister of Finance must be taken into consideration during these hard times.

Also considering another Paragon 2 CAb Forward in the near future and would like to hear of the latest batch’s reliability.




My Genesis MT-4 isn’t the sound model, but it’s a very smooth, quite powerful loco. I’ve given it about 20 reefers to pull around my 2-2.4% grades on my layout and it has done so without a single hitch, so it should handle your 3% grades pretty well. I like it a lot. Mine is the earlier model W/O the skyline casing. I haven’t seen the newer one in stock at either of my LHS’ here, yet, but I haven’t checked in the past couple of weeks. You might check with Mike here at Roseville Hobbies, since he carries a lot of SP equipment. The phone is 916-782-6067. If he doesn’t have one in stock, he could probably order it for you. His prices are very reasonable.

But the locomotive is a honey and one of the most beautifully detailed plastic steamers I’ve ever seen.


Thank you Tom. I’ll see what’s possible with Mike. I’m only purchasing sound equipped locos for now.

Cheers, Jim