Looking For An Industrail Building

I am building a fairly large O guage layout. I am kind of modeling it after the area I live in. At my place of employment I deal with the truck line CCX. They have given me two 18 wheelers for my layout and have expressed an intrest in displaying pictures of my layouts progression in their trade magazine. I am looking for a building that I can use as an industrial building that I can call as the place that I work. It has to have a truck dock on it that I can back these trucks into. Does anyone know of a website where they sell these types of model buildings. I have searched many sites and have only come up with buildings like houses, stores, barns etc. Thanks for any suggestions.

Try www.walthers.com

Here is an example for HO scale. They have all scales.



When you get to the Walthers site home page, click the Advanced Search link (top item on the left side menu). Where it says All Categories, change that to Structures; where it says All Scales, change that to O. You can change the number of items displayed with the Return xx results per page; use more if you have high speed connection. Add a key word if you have an idea of what kind of building you want, it will search on the kit name, so trying a number of key words would be a good idea. With no key words, the search returns 707 O scale buildings, this reduces to 416 of you limit the search to in stock items. Good luck, all you need now is the time to look at them all, or order the Walthers Large Scale catalog [:)]