Looking for cheep glue

Something you might want to know. All I have spent on the benchwork is $20 for a box of screws. The framework is made from 1’‘X4’’ lumber built on 16’’ centers, I salvaged the lumber from 16 foot long shipping crates. The 2’X4’ ceiling tiles were given to me for nothing, All I have is to drive 3 blocks and get them, there are several pick-up loads of them. 4 layers with staggered joints makes for a very sturdy table and very sound deading. Not bad I think for free. If I had all the money I wanted I would go with foam but all I can get here is 1/2’’ for about $12-$13 each and to make the top 2’’ thick I would have already spent over $200.00 so far.

The question here is not about the table I am building (it it srurdy enough to walk on) but as to an alternate glue. Thanks. Mike

Mike, you’ve already saved a bundle on salvaged materials. Why not do some dollar cost averaging by buying carpenter’s glue in 1 gallon containers? Lowe’s has it for 15.78/gallon. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=41151-63-E705


[#ditto] exactly.

You could’ve built up the tiles just under the trackwork (for sound deadening) and build up the rest with cardboard webbing, wadded up newspaper, some hot glue and staples for a lot less $ than you’re spending on caulk, (cardboard free from super market or liquer store). The plaster and paper towels to cover the webbing are also pretty cheap. Foam is not the only other way to build up terrain.

If you can get 1\2 ‘’ foam then you should be able to get 2’‘…even if it’s a special order…you already spent at least $50 for adhesive, and you’re looking at spending more, you should talk to someone at your local giant home improvement center about that foam. See what they have to offer, my local Lowes sells 2’’ styro for $14 for a 4x8 sheet, it’s way too messy to cut and shape for my liking, but used like you’re using those drop ceiling panels it’d work much better.

We’re just trying to save you a lot of time,trouble and expense on something that most likely isnt going to be satisfactory at all.


LOWES .com Insulfoam
2" x 4’ x 8’ R-Tech Expanded Polystyrene R-7.8 Item#:15357 Model:15357

$24 a sheet

This is polystyrene foam, it’s super easy to cut, doesn’t leave a trillion little white beads on everything and it takes all types of glue easily. [except petroleum based glues which can melt it, I use latex caulk or Durabond white glue, a hot glue gun works great on smaller areas]

For about the same monies as you