Looking for CV codes...

Hello All,

Quick question. I have a Bachmann Spectrum 2-10-2 loco with DCC and sound. When I bought it, I was a noob and didn’t care to manipulate CVs at that time. However, things of changed, and now, I’d love to adjust the volume on a few CVs. To my dismay, the CV values are located on a disk…a disk that I either didn’t recieve or threw away because I thought it was Bachmann sales propaganda. So…now…I need those CV values and can’t find them ANYWHERE on the internet. Anyone know a link to the user manual for this model? Or a link to the CV values on Bachmann Spectrums with sound? I think the decoder is a Lenz, but I don’t know for sure.

They are Tsunami decoders modified for Bachmann.

The manuals are available on this page: http://www.soundtraxx.com/factory/OEM%20pages/Bachmann/Bachmann.php

The one you should need is:



And if you have any questions chime in. A good investment would be a Digitrax PR3 and a download of decoder pro. It makes life sooo much easier with CV’s

But if he bought a computer interface for his DCC system and used JMRI (DecoderPro) then he wouldn’t need to download the manual from the links I sent him.

Yup, hence the suggestion. He’s now learning how much is available with DCC.

Here’s an example of how much easier it is than looking through a couple hundred page manual:

Guess we should give him the URL for JMRI then.


Remember, you can use DecoderPro to help with CV values even without an actual connection to your system. Use one of the ‘simulator’ connections, and you can open up the programmer for the decoder of your choice. Go through the pages and make the changes using the nice dropdowns, and then look at the tab that lists all CVs. The ones changed based on your choices will be in red. Program those CVs the usual way with your system.

Not as good as directly programming the decoder, but better than trying to decipher the manual for a sound decoder.


The OP has an MRC system, it was suggested to him what he needed to have in order to use Decoder pro in another post.