Looking for good basic wiring tips and wiring layouts for a 4x8 n scale setup


i’ve looked through all of the electrical postings and saw lots of trouble shooting problems and i’ve even picked up a book on model rail roading wiring but didn’t learn much…

someone must have some sample power grid setups that they have come up with?

looking to run an MRC Prodigy 2 on a 4’x8’ N Scale setup

planning on using barrier wiring blocks distributed around the bottom of the board

the top hard surface on the bench is 3/4" plywood then 2" of dow blue styrofoam

pretty straightforward setup, just trying to absorb some wiring ideas before i make any dumb mistakes


Without knowing the track plan of your layout, it is quite difficult to give you any hint, other than just general remarks.

I understand you will run this layout on DCC. A 4 by 8 layout run on DCC really does not need complicated wiring, just make sure you have sufficient power feeders installed. Watch the polarity, though.


Allan Gartner’s Wirng for DCC is invaluable. I read it front to back before wiring my first DCC layout.

Keep your stick on the ice. Dwayne A.