Looking for Kato 1st production C44-9W's

I’m looking for Kato 1st production C44-9W’s with the low number boards, thin end rails, and 6 steps. Email me or post here if you have any information.

eBay perhaps?

I have a Kato ,NS #8936. production late 1996 or very early 1997. 20 oz, 9 7/8 " long, 6 step, standard cab, wide handrail.

I know a guy who sells locos at low prices, because he has basically no overhead. If you can find anyone like that in your part of australia, I would think they might have it. This guy still has a few.

If you are talking HO, then they are pretty hard to find. There are usually a few on eBay at any given time. If you are looking for one of the more rare units (NS, UP, CN) it will take you a little bit of time to find one. The AT&SF and BNSF ones are on there pretty regularly.