Looking for locomotive plans

i’ve come to the determination that in order for me to build up my steam locomotive fleet i need to scratchbuild/kitbash my own locos. i’m living off an enlisted mans budget and i’ve found that many of the roundhouse kits are great starting points for just such projects. does anyone know where i can find scale drawings, or plans (preferably the builders plans) of steam locomotives on the net? thanks for the help.

I don’t know about on the net, but if you can put youjr hands on a “Locomotive Cyclopedia” it’ll be a giant wealth of information. These books, like everything else in this hobby are usually limited production and can get kind of pricey. But still, if you intend to scratch or bash your own steamers, it may be worthwhile to seek one out… Otherwise, most of the magazines often publish(ed) drawings that may prove useful…

Do a search through here… It may turn up other info as well…


Good luck,

thanks for the help rolleiman. i just grabed one off amazon.com. i can’t wait for it to get here. my first project is a cooke ten wheeler based on the one the Fort Worth & Western runs, which is a former SP loco.