Looking for old article

To All,

Searching for (simple) electronic circuits, stumbled on a photo electric detector as descibed in the MRR Sept 1980 page 92…(yes I go back that far)
In the article, reference was made to a circuit described in the MRR of May 1980 (no I don’t go back that far :)…

Could anyone of the readers get me a scan of that article or at least direct me to a source…lest the dispatcher on my N scale layout would suffer from heart trouble one of these days…
Thanks in advance,


If the May, 1980 issue is still in print (doubtful) you can order it from Kalmbach. If not, you can order photocopies of the articles in that issue from Kalmbach. Look at the publisher’s statement in the front of the magazine and call the customer service number. Have your credit card ready, as they say.

Good Luck

Are you talking about Model Railroader magazine? Page 92 of the September 1980 issue is in the middle of an article on Zap Texturing.

Tom, DB’s looking for May 1980 issue based on an article he found in Sept 1980.


Are you referring to the Hot Box detection circuit?? Write me offline using the email link below and I can help you with the article… May, 1980, page 64.

I have both of those issues of Model Railroader, and there’s no article about a photoelectric detector in either of them. That’s why I questioned the magazine title for his abbreviation of “MRR.”

At the risk of sounding like a heritic, maybe you mean Model Railroad Craftsman

I most likely have both, I will look also.

you may have seen it in Electronic projects for model railroaders by peter j. thorne…that old book had a photocell diagram and one using a Twin T train detection circuit that was developed by Linn wescott…it is now out of print and the only place i know where it exists (and that was 15 years ago) is at the Pasdena texas public library…chuck

Have you tried the “Magazine Index” search on this forum? Under “Photodetector” I found articles in the March 81 and Sept 81 Model Railroaders…maybe that’s what you want?

(Magazine index is VERY smart; all you have to do is a “Keyword Search”. Although you may have to experiment with the right keyword!)

Magazine back issues that old are probably not available from Kalmbach. Try “Railpub.com