Looking for passenger cars...

Having ONE mainline with passing sidings can be more interesting than you think.

David B

I know this, and thats what I ment. I wanted an extra Track for my station, not for my mainline.

Ok…good luck with the layout.

David B

Okay, I promise that I will not point out that the cars will look unprototypical and strange on those curves.

Oh, I can’t stand it!!! The cars will look unprototypical and strange on those curves. I hope you know this?

Not at all… Not at all…

Well, whatever you can muster will make your passenger cars happier. Full length look much better than shorties but if you can get a 26-inch curve, all the better. Look, even my last layout with 32 inch minimum curves were a bit tight “looking” but they will operate nicely on that. I have a full set of California Zephyr cars and an Amtrak Superliner CZ.